Wheelbarrow boys of Liberia

via herwigphoto.com on flickrWhile most of us rarely think of or use wheelbarrows in our daily lives, for a large group of post-war Liberian youth, pushing a wheelbarrow through the streets of Monrovia is decent work and steady income. The otherwise simple tool allows many of them a means to make money without much initial investment or extensive training. The wheelbarrow workers are generally divided into two main groups – those selling products like food, clothing, etc, and  those hired by individuals and companies to transport goods throughout the busting city.

"The wheelbarrow is very important to the Liberian economy because most people cannot afford cars and trucks to transport goods," says T.R. Sieh, who makes wheelbarrow deliveries in Duala Market, north of town. "And many of our roads are narrow, so we use the wheelbarrow to reach customers where trucks cannot go." Wheelbarrows are so ubiquitous that some corporations have taken to purchasing ad space on the sides of the bins, much as they do on buses and taxis in more developed cities.

The wheelbarrow and the mostly young men who wield them have become such a booming business that they have been organized into several competing unions.

At least three competing unions are struggling to organize the wheelbarrow operators in the post-war economy, where unemployment is estimated at over 80% and droves of new young people migrate into the city every day in search of work. "You register with the Association and we paint the serial number on the side of your 'wheel' like a license plate," says George Wilson, Financial Secretary of NAWOAL's Duala Market branch. "Our branch has 394 members. We've been here since 1991. It's in our constitution that it's every member's duty to make a contribution. Then when you get sick, or if you die, NAWOAL can help with the arrangements."

More info and images in the Liberia – Wheelbarrow workers Flickr set. Also, watch the video below about the life of one wheelbarrow worker.