Where I’ve been

As I mentioned in my previous post it’s been a hectic couple of weeks. I’ve been dealing with both personal and professional changes but alas, I have sorted everything out to allow for a bit of normalcy. Here’s a recap of some of the events which have made the past couple of weeks so crazy.

New schedule, New projects, New website: A announcement is that I am no longer at my day job and am currently working independently. While I have never really talked about my day job here, those of you who I have had the pleasure of interacting with behind the scenes are familiar with my former position. While I never mentioned my 9 to 5 here, I feel it’s necessary to do so now to express how excited I am that I will be able to focus on the subjects I have been following and reporting about here on Annansi Chronicles. In the time it will take me to secure another full time position, I will be pushing full steam ahead with some of the projects which have been delayed due to my other responsibilities. Some initial projects include organizing a mini conference/roundtable, completing a proposal for my next book, and implementing a sales schedule for my clothing line. With my new working schedule, I am excited to be able to better contribute to the growth of African blogging/marketing/fashion/business community. If anyone wants to find out more about the projects I’m working on or would like to work together or just network check out my NEW website GKofiAnnan.com and feel free to contact me.

$10, 000 in book sales: While I was away from blogging, my current book project, “The Age of Conversation”, past $10, 000 in sales. Amazing!!! When I decided to contribute to the authoring of “The Age of Conversation, I never imagined the impact it would have. In the months since it’s release I have had a chance to meet and befriend some inspiring individuals. As the book sales move quickly past $10K, the effect continues to be felt within the marketing community. If you haven’t already done so, make sure you purchase a copy of The Age of Conversation.

Thanks to all for reading, commenting, and linking to the Annansi Chronicles.

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